Wednesday, March 11, 2015

PXEbian share Guideline

A. How to share distros via PXEbian?

I. Extract your distro to server/ANYFOLDER/  

1)   Create folder for your distro in server/
2)   Run 'ISO Master', press 'File -> Open' and choose your distro.
3)   In top area go to your folder in 'server/'
4)   Select all files in bottom area and press 'extract'. This will extract your distro to folder.

II. Add it to 'default'

1)   On desktop or '/server/pxelinux.cfg/' open file 'default'.
2)   Write next 3 lines.
# Line 1 - LABEL. Write name which you will see in boot menu. For example:
LABEL Debian Wheezy
# Line 2 - kernel. Write folder and name of kernel. For example:
kernel debian/install.386/vmlinuz 
# Line 3 - append. Write append options. For example:
append vga=normal initrd=1/install.386/initrd.gz

III.  That's it.

I'll try to keep updated database for distros kernel file folders and append options on my web page 
If you want, you can help me with it, just send me mail:  
In 'default' file you can change 'timeout 600' (1 minute) to other time, for example 'timeout 300'. 

B. How to use Clonezilla?

BE CAREFUL! Restoring disk will destroy all data on client pc! Restoring partition may also delete all data from client's harddrive. This software is provided without any warranty. Please, read about CloneZilla on internet, before using it.

PXEbian has ready options for restoring/saving disk and part images. But if you want, you can use interactive mode to do everything by yourself. 
Everyting saves to/restores from server/nfs/partimag/ folder.
In boot menu you can choose Clonezilla, and you will see some options: 'Interactive', 'Restore disk', 'Restore parts', 'Save disk', 'Save parts' and 'back'.

If you want to restore disk or parts, you should have clonezilla image folder for it. Put that file in server/nfs/partimag/ folder, or 'partimag/' folder on Desktop. On client pc you should choose name of CZ image and disk, on which this image will be installed. But you can skip this way, if you don't need. For it in 'default' file find 'LABEL Restore disk(or parts)' and in append change "ask_user ask_user" to name of CZ image and disk(parts). For example: "myimage sda". But remember - the name of CZ image is the same with name of folder in server/nfs/partimag/. So you should have folder /server/nfs/partimag/myimage.

If you want to save disk or parts, you should have enough free space on your server harddrive. On client pc you should choose name of CZ image and disk, which you want to save. But you can skip this way, if you don't need. For it in 'default' file find 'LABEL Save disk(or parts)' and in append change "ask_user ask_user" to name of CZ image and disk(parts). For example: "myimage sda". So your image will be saved to /server/nfs/partimag/myimage/ folder.

Any questions? 
Ask me:

### d@t ###

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